current research project

tattoos: art and empowerment in the fight for gender equality

Alongside Dom’s ongoing work exploring tattoos as an expression of gender identity, they are currently collating research on the significant connections between tattoos and gender politics.

Tattoos: Art and Empowerment in the Fight for Gender Equality”* is exploring the connection between tattoos and Gender Equality Movements across Europe and The US over the last 100 years by analysing the social and political impact of tattoos and the ways in which they have challenged society's preconceived ideas of class, power, sexuality and gender roles.

Their research delves into historical and social records and accounts of tattooed individuals** and investigates their roles in society, the changes both small and revolutionary that they impacted and influenced, whether premeditated or accidental, and the legacies these people and communities created for future generations. 

The project also considers how and why tattoos have continued to be an empowering and political act across the intersectionality of class, race, background and identity.

Dom is continally collating information from individuals* who have been tattooed as a pre-meditated or accidental political statement, in particular with reference to Gender or sexuality, to the MeToo or TimesUp campaigns, as a demonstration of community power or protest, or in honour of any specific Gender Equality, Women's Liberation, or Sexual Empowerment movements, and are willing to share their experiences. Anyone interested in taking part can email via the link on the contact page, or click the link below to visit a questionnaire form.

They are also specifically seeking information and background on Lesbian, Bisexual and Queer-identifying women, trans and Non-Binary individuals with tattoos who would be interested in sharing their experiences; please get in touch via for more information.

So far their research has been shared and studied at Higher Education establishments including University of Essex, University of Westminster, The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard and the Queer London Research Forum.

All information given will be completely confidential.

*current working title, subject to change.

**the study is inclusive of all those who identify as woman/female, as well as Intersex, Non-Binary, Gender-Non-Conforming and Trans individuals.